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H²Oliver returns, ready to battle his arch nemesis; Water Wastage!

H²Oliver makes a much needed return to our Super Savers series, ready to do battle with excessive water wastage. This time, we’ve teamed up with Fiona from Eco-Congregation Ireland, who has been kind enough to answer some additional questions we had water usage in the home. With her heroic help, we’ve been able to address important issues, and have collected some great tips for saving water!

Why Should I Cut Back on Water Usage?

The golden age of water is over. We can no longer continue to live as if there was an infinite supply of clean, usable water. As the global population booms and water demand surges, the supply remains constant and the cost of getting it where it needs to be grows increasingly higher (and more complex).

There will always be water (we know that only too well in Ireland!); the challenge increasingly throughout the globe is to get drinkable water to everyone who needs it. The other factor, of course, is that water metering is only just around the corner – an added incentive to cut down on how much we use in the home.

How Can I Reduce My Water Usage in the Bathroom?

The bathroom is the number one room in the house where we can make saving water more beneficial to both ourselves and the environment.

There are a number of quick and easy solutions for your bathrooms water usage

1. Do not let the tap run while brushing your teeth. There is no need to keep the water running while brushing your teeth. Just wet your brush and fill a glass for mouth rinsing.

2. Shower rather than using the bath. Shorten the length of time you spend in the shower; a four-minute shower uses approximately 20 to 40 gallons of water.

3. Do not use a power shower; install a water-saving shower head.

4. Do not flush the toilet more than necessary ie. don’t use it as a wastebasket to flush away facial tissues or cigarette butts.

5. Check your toilet for leaks by putting a little food colouring in your toilet tank. If, without flushing, the colour begins to appear in the bowl within 30 minutes, you have a leak that should be repaired immediately. Most replacement parts are inexpensive and easy to install.

6. Insulate your water pipes. It’s easy and inexpensive to insulate your water pipes with pre-slit
foam pipe insulation. You’ll get hot water faster plus avoid wasting water while it heats up.

7. Rinse your razor in the sink. Fill the sink with a few inches of warm water. This will rinse your razor just as well as running water, with far less waste of water.

Ever Thought of Twinning Your Toilet?

Twinning your toilet will not help you with saving water but it will be good for your heart and soul! By twinning your toilet with one in a developing country, you will be helping improve sanitary conditions in a very tangible way for people who cannot afford proper facilities.

You will be given a certificate and a photo of your twinned toilet to place in your bathroom, which will provide an interesting talking point for visitors! You can find out how to twin your toilet here –

About Eco-Congregation Ireland

Eco-Congregation Ireland is an inter-church project that encourages individuals, churches and communities to take eco-friendly steps in their everyday lives. It awards churches that have undertaken environmental initiatives in four areas – practical, spiritual, community and global.

ECI encourages people in Ireland to join Christians throughout the world in celebrating Creation Time each year from September 1 to October 4. This year’s theme is Water Justice, which ties in with the UN International Year of Water Cooperation. To find out more, see