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Bathroom Hacks: Bath Time is the New Tea Time

The hustle and bustle of today’s busy lifestyle can make it difficult for a person to find any extra time for themselves. With so many deadlines and responsibilities, we can often find every minute of our time is filled with a task to be completed.

Just look at how busy this business guy is. Frantic.

While there is certainly no joy to be found in simply ignoring these responsibilities and leaving a path of sudden panic and destruction in your wake, we can luckily combine certain tasks to leave more free time to enjoy simple pleasures such as stroking cats or painting little models of airplanes or something.

What we’re trying to say is if you can do two things at once, you’ll have time left over from one of the two things to do something else, maybe a new thing, or a thing that you do sometimes but haven’t done recently because the other two things take up too much time.

See? It’s simple.

A Delicious Solution

While most people would recommend ‘radical’ methods of saving time such as finding a less busy route to and from work or cutting down on excessive gym sessions, at Bathshack we live in the real world.

We’ve come up with a revolutionary new way to multi-task two of the most common evening tasks seamlessly, creating a singular, much more enjoyable activity that we like to refer to as ‘wet dinner’.

The Low Down

Here’s how it goes. You set out preparing your evening meal: boiling those vegetables, flash frying that steak, poaching those eggs. While you have these on a simmer, you set about filling a hot, luxurious bath, adding extra bubbles for the fancy bather. Keep a close eye on both the bath and cooker, running frantically up and down the stairs to make sure the product of your labours doesn’t turn into a pan fire or flooded bathroom.

Once the bath is ready, find yourself a bath-side table.  A small chest of drawers or a stationary German Shepherd will suffice if you don’t have access to a bedside-sized table.  Tune in your radio to some nice relaxing music, such as the contemporary works of AC/DC, making sure to leave a crack in the door for the subtle notes of Brian Johnson’s abrasive voice to drift on through.

Finally, you plate up your delicious evening meal, and place it securely on the table (or equivalent) before climbing into your warm (and if you had the foresight to purchase a bath from Bathshack, remarkably good looking, for such good value) bathtub.

Drift away in awe of this new experience and consider just how simple it was to shave at least five minutes of your average daily routine.

Now doesn’t that feel better, Mr business guy?

So there we are, a quick and practical way to save time on your daily routine, and also an incentive to buy a German Shepherd should you feel the need.

Tune in next time for more practical bathroom hacks!