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4 Ways To Use Your Bathroom To Relax At Home

When we have to self-isolate at home, cabin fever isn’t usually too far away, and this is true for family members of all ages. Adults that are used to heading into work suddenly find themselves watching daytime TV, kids no longer able to go further than the end of the garden when they just want to see their friends. It is very frustrating but, thanks to coronavirus, this is our new reality for a while.

When we have to self-isolate at home, cabin fever isn’t usually too far away, and this is true for family members of all ages. Adults that are used to heading into work suddenly find themselves watching daytime TV, kids no longer able to go further than the end of the garden when they just want to see their friends. It is very frustrating but, thanks to coronavirus, this is our new reality for a while.

With that in mind, just how do we stave off the wave of thumb-twiddling and sieve hole counting? Well, movie night will lose its appeal quite quickly when it becomes a nightly affair. Look to the bathroom for relaxation while you self-isolate and let go of the growing tension.

Enjoy a nice relaxing bath

Probably the more obvious of our ‘4 ways to use your bathroom to relax at home’ while coronavirus is at large. As obvious as it may be, there are still many that don’t take full advantage of the relaxing properties that a bath can provide.

Make sure you are not going to be disturbed: threatening to turn off the Wi-Fi if you are interrupted usually does the trick. How can anyone be expected to relax if people keep asking where something is or, more annoying, “mum/dad (insert name of an older child) won’t let me play”? It just can’t be done.

Peacetime assured, make sure you have some essentials.

  • Relaxing music
  • Scented candles
  • A glass of your favourite tipple, nicely chilled
  • Bubbles. Everybody likes bubbles

The bathroom is an excellent place to escape to when you have to self-isolate and of course, any other time you need a little space to relax in by yourself.

Take a long hot shower

A long stretch on the inside (when having to self-isolate, that is) can be very stressful. Showers can be just as relaxing as long hot baths. It’s all about the preparation. Again, make sure that you are not going to be disturbed. Take your phone into the bathroom if you have a music streaming service and put it inside a jug – the acoustics are amazing if the speaker is in the right spot.

Candles instead of the bathroom light work well too, they are not just for the bath you know. Scented are always best but that’s a personal preference. You should also consider using muscle relaxant shower gels if you have any.

Fun bath time with the children

Most kids complain about bath time until they are actually in there with their favourite toys. Aside from the obvious activities like bubble beards and hair, floating books and boats, there are other ways you can make bath time fun for children.

There are lots of ways to make bath time fun again while everybody is in self-isolate mode, there’s no reason for coronavirus to take the fun out of everything.

  • Bath paint and crayons
  • Water pistols
  • Mouldable soap

That’s just three. If the wall by the side of the bath is tiled, bath crayons are tons of fun. If you have never played hangman in the bath, it’s lots of fun and can even be an opportunity for the kids to practice their spelling while school is out.

Water pistols speak for themselves if you don’t mind a wet bathroom floor, but the mouldable soap is a stroke of genius. All kinds of fun shapes can be made, and it can even be turned into a fun contest.

Make the bathroom a more relaxing place

The bathroom is one of the most overlooked rooms in the home. People put so much time and effort into making living rooms, dining rooms and bedrooms comforting and relaxing and barely give the humble bathroom a second thought.

It’s relatively simple to make a bathroom more relaxing, and it doesn’t have to make your wallet shake with fear either. Here are a few ideas:

  • Soft lighting (swap out the lightbulbs)
  • Potpourri
  • Strategically placed candles (real or battery)
  • Bluetooth speaker or music mirror for your music
  • Large, fluffy towels at the ready – warmed before use if possible

Soft colours in the bathroom, as opposed to the more common bright whites, also help to create a more relaxing atmosphere. If you are not able to get some of these items due to coronavirus and you having to self-isolate, there are several delivery options available.

To conclude

Staying sane in self-isolation while coronavirus alters the world around us, possibly forever, is quite the task but it can be done. The bathroom can become one of the most relaxing places in the whole home, somewhere to be by yourself for half an hour and just let the stress drain right out of you.